
1973-74 UNC Basketball Roster

UNC Basketball Rosters
James Smith
Lantana, FL
11 Tony Shaver
High Point, NC
12 Ray Hite
Hyattsville, MD (DeMatha)
13 Brad Hoffman
Columbus, OH (Walnut Ridge)
14 Dave Hanners
Columbus, OH
15 John Kuester
Richmond, VA (Benedictine)
GFR6-2, 170
20 Ray Harrison
Greensboro, NC (Page)
 JR6-2, 180
21 Mitch Kupchak
Brentwood, NY (Brentwood)
FSO6-9, 220
24 Walter Davis
Pineville, NC (South Mecklenburg)
FFR6-5, 190
30 John O'Donnell
New York, NY (Fordham Prep)
31 Mickey Bell
Goldsboro, NC (Goldsboro)
32 Darrell Elston
Tipton, IN (Tipton)
 SR6-4, 204
34 Bobby Jones
Charlotte, NC (South Mecklenburg)
35 Charles Waddell
Southern Pines, NC (Pinecrest)
40 Bruce Buckley
Bladensburg, MD
41 Geff Crompton
Burlington, NC (Williams)
42 Bill B. Chambers
Greensboro, NC (Grimsley)
43 Ed Stahl
Columbus, OH (Walnut Ridge)
45 Tommy LaGarde
Detroit, MI (Central Catholic)
CFR6-10, 220

UNC Basketball Rosters
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