
2021-22 UNC Basketball Roster

UNC Basketball Rosters

UNC Basketball Coaching Staff

0 Anthony Harris
Fairfax, VA (Paul VI Catholic)
SGSO6-4, 196
1 Leaky Black
Concord, NC (Cox Mill)
SFSR6-8, 195
2 Caleb Love
St. Louis, MO (Christian Brothers College)
PGSO6-4, 195
3 Dontrez Styles
Kinston, NC (Kinston)
SFFR6-6, 205
4 R.J. Davis
White Plains, NY (Archbishop Stepinac)
SGSO6-0, 160
5 Armando Bacot
Richmond, VA (IMG Academy)
CJR6-10, 240
11 D'Marco Dunn
Fayetteville, NC (Westover)
SGFR6-4, 180
13 Dawson Garcia
Prior Lake, MN (Prior Lake)
PFSO6-11, 235
14 Puff Johnson
Moon Township, PA (Hillcrest Prep)
SFSO6-8, 190
15 Rob Landry
Greensboro, NC (NC School of Science & Math)
SGJR6-3, 185
22 Justin McKoy
Cary, NC (Panther Creek)
SFJR6-7, 225
24 Kerwin Walton
Hopkins, MN (Hopkins)
SGSO6-5, 205
25 Creighton Lebo
Wilson, NC (Greenfield School)
PGSO6-1, 160
34 Duwe Farris
Charlotte, NC (Myers Park)
SGJR6-6, 205
35 Ryan McAdoo
Boca Raton, FL (St. Andrew's School)
SFSR6-5, 200
40 Jackson Watkins
Richmond, VA (Collegiate School)
PGJR6-0, 170
45 Brady Manek
Harrah, OK (Harrah)
PFSR6-9, 245

2021-22 UNC Basketball Coaching Staff

Hubert DavisHead Coach
Brad FrederickAssistant Coach
Jeff LeboAssistant Coach
Sean MayAssistant Coach
Pat SullivanDirector of Recruiting
Jackie ManuelDirector of Player and Team Development
Eric HootsDirector of Operations
Jonas SahratianHead S&C Coach - Men's Basketball
Doug HalversonHead Athletic Trainer
Brandon RobinsonGraduate Manager
Kiersten SteinbacherGraduate Manager

UNC Basketball Rosters
2024-25 | 2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-21 | 2019-20 | 2018-19 | 2017-18 | 2016-17 | 2015-16 | 2014-15 | 2013-14 | 2012-13 | 2011-12 | 2010-11 | 2009-10 | 2008-09 | 2007-08 | 2006-07 | 2005-06 | 2004-05 | 2003-04 | 2002-03 | 2001-02 | 2000-01 | 1999-00 | 1998-99 | 1997-98 | 1996-97 | 1995-96 | 1994-95 | 1993-94 | 1992-93 | 1991-92 | 1990-91 | 1989-90 | 1988-89 | 1987-88 | 1986-87 | 1985-86 | 1984-85 | 1983-84 | 1982-83 | 1981-82 | 1980-81 | 1979-80 | 1978-79 | 1977-78 | 1976-77 | 1975-76 | 1974-75 | 1973-74 | 1972-73 | 1971-72 | 1970-71 | 1969-70 | 1968-69 | 1967-68 | 1966-67 | 1965-66 | 1964-65 | 1963-64 | 1962-63 | 1961-62 | 1960-61 | 1959-60 | 1958-59 | 1957-58 | 1956-57 | 1955-56 | 1954-55 | 1953-54 | 1952-53 | 1951-52 | 1950-51 | 1949-50 | 1948-49 | 1947-48 | 1946-47 | 1945-46 | 1944-45 | 1943-44 | 1942-43 | 1941-42 | 1940-41 | 1939-40 | 1938-39 | 1937-38 | 1936-37 | 1935-36 | 1934-35 | 1933-34 | 1932-33 | 1931-32 | 1930-31 | 1929-30 | 1928-29 | 1927-28 | 1926-27 | 1925-26 | 1924-25 | 1923-24 | 1922-23 | 1921-22 | 1920-21 | 1919-20 | 1918-19 | 1917-18 | 1916-17 | 1915-16 | 1914-15 | 1913-14 | 1912-13 | 1911-12 | 1910-11

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