
2019-20 UNC Basketball Roster

UNC Basketball Rosters
0 Anthony Harris
Fairfax, VA (Paul VI Catholic)
SGFR6-4, 190
1 Leaky Black
Concord, NC (Cox Mill)
PGSO6-8, 195
2 Cole Anthony
New York, NY (Oak Hill Academy)
PGFR6-3, 190
3 Andrew Platek
Schenectady, NY (Northfield Mount Hermon School)
SGJR6-4, 200
4 Brandon Robinson
Douglasville, GA (Douglas County)
SGSR6-5, 173
5 Armando Bacot
Richmond, VA (IMG Academy)
CFR6-10, 232
11 Shea Rush
Kansas City, MO (The Barstow School)
SFSR6-5, 210
13 Jeremiah Francis
Pickerington, OH (Pickerington Central)
PGFR6-0, 210
15 Garrison Brooks
Lafayette, AL (Auburn)
PFJR6-9, 235
21 Sterling Manley
Reynoldsburg, OH (Pickerington Central)
PFJR6-11, 250
22 Walker Miller
Greensboro, NC (New Hampton Prep)
PFJR6-11, 230
25 Caleb Ellis
Apex, NC (Cary Christian School)
SGSR6-5, 190
30 K.J. Smith
Thousand Oaks, CA (IMG Academy)
PGJR6-2, 175
32 Justin Pierce
Glen Ellyn, IL (Glenbard West)
SGSR6-7, 210
34 Robbie O'Han
Raleigh, NC (St. David's)
PGSR6-2, 170
35 Ryan McAdoo
Boca Raton, FL (St. Andrew's School)
SFJR6-5, 205
42 Brandon Huffman
Goldsboro, NC (Word of God Christian Academy)
PFJR6-10, 255
55 Christian Keeling
Augusta, GA (Laney)
SGSR6-3, 180

UNC Basketball Rosters
2024-25 | 2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-21 | 2019-20 | 2018-19 | 2017-18 | 2016-17 | 2015-16 | 2014-15 | 2013-14 | 2012-13 | 2011-12 | 2010-11 | 2009-10 | 2008-09 | 2007-08 | 2006-07 | 2005-06 | 2004-05 | 2003-04 | 2002-03 | 2001-02 | 2000-01 | 1999-00 | 1998-99 | 1997-98 | 1996-97 | 1995-96 | 1994-95 | 1993-94 | 1992-93 | 1991-92 | 1990-91 | 1989-90 | 1988-89 | 1987-88 | 1986-87 | 1985-86 | 1984-85 | 1983-84 | 1982-83 | 1981-82 | 1980-81 | 1979-80 | 1978-79 | 1977-78 | 1976-77 | 1975-76 | 1974-75 | 1973-74 | 1972-73 | 1971-72 | 1970-71 | 1969-70 | 1968-69 | 1967-68 | 1966-67 | 1965-66 | 1964-65 | 1963-64 | 1962-63 | 1961-62 | 1960-61 | 1959-60 | 1958-59 | 1957-58 | 1956-57 | 1955-56 | 1954-55 | 1953-54 | 1952-53 | 1951-52 | 1950-51 | 1949-50 | 1948-49 | 1947-48 | 1946-47 | 1945-46 | 1944-45 | 1943-44 | 1942-43 | 1941-42 | 1940-41 | 1939-40 | 1938-39 | 1937-38 | 1936-37 | 1935-36 | 1934-35 | 1933-34 | 1932-33 | 1931-32 | 1930-31 | 1929-30 | 1928-29 | 1927-28 | 1926-27 | 1925-26 | 1924-25 | 1923-24 | 1922-23 | 1921-22 | 1920-21 | 1919-20 | 1918-19 | 1917-18 | 1916-17 | 1915-16 | 1914-15 | 1913-14 | 1912-13 | 1911-12 | 1910-11

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